We’re getting ready to launch!

Help us build momentum by joining an upcoming degrowth event, and sign up here to stay informed on DGI programs and actions.

Purdue Degrowth Coffee Hour (in-person)
Tuesdays: 9/24, 10/29, 11/26
1-2:15pm Central

This Fall, we are dissecting recent US media coverage of degrowth.

More Info

🐌Degrowth Cafe (in-person)
Thursdays: 10/3, 11/7, 12/5
5:30-7pm Central

Come to our monthly get-together event at DGI: Learn about degrowth and peruse the degrowth library!

Sign Up for October Cafe

🎃Virtual Degrowth Discussion (virtual)
Tuesdays: 10/29, 11/26
4-5pm Central

In conjunction with Purdue Degrowth Coffee Hour, we’ll also be discussing articles on degrowth from the US Media.

Email info@degrowthinstitute.org to sign-up

📖Chicago Degrowth Book Club (in-person)
Tuesdays: 9/17, 10/15, 11/19
6:30-8pm Central

Join a series of three discussions of Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
